An Investigation of Photographic Metadata In the late nineteen-eighties, my father owned a camera which would imprint the time of the photographic moment on the film. Every print would bear a sequence of faded, red numbers on its edge. Perhaps the camera had a fault, or perhaps my father never bothered to change the batteries, […]
Author: admin
Considering Ontologies For A Thematic Collection
The association between humanities and the computer may be traced back to Father Roberto Busa(note?). His attempt to create an index verborum of all words in works of St. Thomas Aquinas in 1949 may be thought of as the starting point in the field of humanities computing or what is today known as digital humanities. […]
Spectres of Early Forms: On the Limits of Digitisation
“Survival” is the central concept, the Hauptproblem, of Aby Warburg and the Warburgian school of art history. In Warburg’s work, the term Nachleben refers to the survival (the continuity or afterlife and metamorphosis) of images —as opposed to their renascence after extinction or, conversely, their replacement by innovations in image. Formed within the context of […]